Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on The Effects of a College Environment on a...

The Effects of a College Environment on a Students Health Introduction When one goes away to college, their life changes dramatically. They are forced to make changes in their own lives in order to adapt to college life. When one is in high school and living at home, their eating habits and personal hygiene practices are for the most part controlled by their parents. They are told what to eat and when to eat it. They are told to keep their room clean and to take their vitamins, etc. When one moves away to college, they are on their own. There is no one telling them to clean their room, or to do laundry or what they have to eat. In some colleges and universities, it is required that freshmen live on campus and eat at least two†¦show more content†¦When everything around a person is changing, that person must also change. Studying hard and writing many papers goes hand in hand with eating pizza, drinking beer and going for days without sleep. A person who has eaten healthy for their entire life can get pulled into this lifestyle very easily. It seems that almost everyone on the campus lives like this and when you look at a students schedule, eating healthy would almost take too much time. It is much easier for one to order a pizza or drive down to the Taco Bell pick up window than it is to cook a well balanced meal. College dining halls have never been known for the nutritional value of their food. When a dining hall or cafeteria is mentioned, casserole and macaroni and cheese come to mind. However, college chefs have been working towards a better, more nutritious and diverse menu. Were seeing a change in ingredients, not a lot of heavy creams and fats, but a demand for rotisserie and spices, says Lars Kronmark of the Culinary Institute of America. Its up to the students to choose. They can s till get french fries and fried fish, but it used to be they didnt have a choice, he adds. While colleges are working toward a healthy more diverse menu in the dining halls, students can be very critical when it comes to food. Lisa Dwinnell, a chef at Smith College for over twelve years, once served blackened catfish. The Students were disgusted with the meal choice and the next dayShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Sleep On College Students1481 Words   |  6 Pages All- Nighter in College: Consequences of a decline sleep in College Students Everyone knows a movie, where college students are out all night and they are not in their room sleeping. That one movie, where the students come back late and realize they have class at seven in the morning. There are several reasons why students are not getting the recommended hours of sleep; some examples are being out all night, studying the whole night, and being unable to sleep at night. 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